Sunday, March 24, 2019

Talking about postpartum incontinence | running 10k buggy run

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As this contemporary year begins, instead of focusing on specwhetheric workouts, I want to focus on a topic that is very genuine and embarrassing to many moms. As you can guess running should not make you “pee” your pants.  Postpartum Incontinence or the uncontrollable loss of urine occurs in a reported 50% of all women. Wilean this percentage many are contemporary mothers or pregnant women. This number is most likely taller but it’s an embarrassing condition to talk about so many choose to live in silence. The good contemporarys is there are great exercises that focus on the muscles of the pelvic floor which will help remedy this situation and keep women from having to change pants after sneezing, laughing, coughing (or running).

I choose to write about incontinence nowadays as I am training for my traditional running in the  Annual Redondo Beach 10K on Super Bowl Sunday with my family. It will be my 15th running since the birth of my 1st child.  Numerous moms I work with are terrwhetheried of running post baby, not just worried they cannot achieve the miles but that they will end up with a large wet mark between their legs while running amongst hundreds of other people. This is a normal reaction but a PREVENTABLE issue. Yes I said PREVENTABLE in all caps!!! How, you ask? Please read on to see my top exercises to prevent incontinence. These exercises can be performed carefully as early as 6-8 weeks after delivery. I again would try the easier lying exercises first and work up to the more intense. Thoughtlly 2 sets of each exercise is the goal but you may start slowly with less repetitions and one set of each. Hear to your body!

I want to preface that “impact “ exercises like running are not recommended the first few months postpartum and potentially longer whether the mother is nursing. The contemporary nursing mother is still producing the hormone “Relaxin” for many months after giving birth and this hormone affects range of motion women experience with their joints. It is easier to “hyperextend joints” post pregnancy when this hormone is present. Also jumping and running puts a lot of prescertain on the muscles of the pelvic floor that makes the tissue feebleer and more susceptible to leaky bladders. So before jumping into a program that includes any kind of running or jumping, I recommend starting first with exercises that will strengthen the pelvic floor and core muscles.  I incorporate pelvic floor strengthening exercises in all Coremom lessones.

Here are some non-traditional exercises that will help get you “impact alert” and keep your pants dry!

  1. Squats with side bends,  (repeat 20 times)

  2. Side lunge with low reach repeat 10 on each leg

  3. Stroll out planks w/runners lunge twist repeat 10 times

  4. Plank with jumping Jacks repeat 15 times

  5. One legged bridging repeat on each leg 10 times

**Wgap sequence #1-5 again

I love helping moms to get back to the activities they did prior to pregnancy or introduce them to more ccorridorenging types of exercise after their baby is born. I did not total my first 10K until after my first child was born over 15 years ago and I waited until she was 6 months and I felt strong enough to run the distance.  With just a small help we can get you feeling healthy, happy and running to the finish line.

If you have any questions about these exercises or any other mommy questions, please reach out to  me directly at Pleased dry running and I’ll see you at Seaside Lagoon after the race.

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