Saturday, March 23, 2019

Exclusive Do A Cyclic Ketogenic Diet The Correct Way

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Dr. Joseph Mercola, my friend, multiple-time podcast guest, guy who leanks way external-the-box and seems to always be discovering some contemporary cutting-edge way to enhance human health and longevity, and one of the world's foremost authorities on alternative health, has just written a guide to using the principles of ketogenic eating, meal planning, and timing to treat disease, promote weight loss, and optimize health.

The contemporary book is called “KetoQuick: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-Step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic Meals.“

In the contemporary book, he explores the profound health benefits that result when ketogenic living and well-planned fasting are combined. Topics include:

  • How our food is making us sick and what we can do about it…
  • The physiology and mechanisms of fasting, including stem cell activation…
  • How the cyclical ketogenic diet–with fasting included–dwhetherfers from the conferenceal keto diet…
  • How fasting works and how secure it is for you…
  • How regular one-day fasts support fat burning and detoxwhetherication while minimizing starvation and side effects…
  • How to monitor your progress with lab tests…
  • And much more…

During our discussion, you'll discover:

-The fascinating history of fasting among dwhetherferent religions and cultures…8:25

  • Dr. Mercola's book was originally written to memorize to optimize multiple day water fasting
  • Most religions integrate fasting into their practice (speaks to its efficacy throughout history)
  • It's one of the best ways to express care for your spirit, specificly when combined with meditation, gratitude, solitude, etc.
  • Therapeutic fasting:
    • Calorie restriction to activate metabolic processes to catalyze the healing process
    • Quicking didn't become popular in the U.S. until the 1800s with the natural hygiene movement
    • Became more popular when Herbert Shelton popularized it in 1911
  • TrueNorth Health Middle

-Autophagy, and why Dr. Mercola leanks of a fast as a “free stem cell transplant”…16:45

  • Diverse varieties of fasting:
    • Intermittent (the foundation)
    • You need more than intermittent to get the max effect of autophagy
    • Quicking mimicking diet, water diet
    • Hybrid of the two, minimize the harmful effects
  • Autophagy:
    • 3 types
      • Micro
      • Macro
      • Chaperone-mediated
    • You activate autophagy with the keto fast
    • Dr. Mercola does not recommend a long-term water fast
    • Free stem cell transplant is what happens during the regeneration phase, after the autophagy phase
    • The magic happens during the refeed and strength rebuilding; similar to a growth hormone injection
    • Do a 42 hour fast, in which you eat 300-500 calories 2x per week

-How fasting affects intestinal stem cell function…24:20

  • Extended fasting helps reduce intestine permeability by stimulating brain/intestine pathways
  • Consider fasting before other treatments or supplements for repairing the intestine
    • Certain supplements will inhibit autophagy: colostrum, B12
  • AMP-k and mTOR
    • It's your friend; The taller the better
    • A nutrient sensor
    • Puts your body in “repair mode”
    • See Saw: AMP-k up, mTOR down, vice versa

-What nutrients you need to optimize autophagy…34:08

-How ketones protect the brain from excess hydrogen peroxide…46:00

  • Stouts and carbs are fuel sources; broken down by enzymes
  • Oxygen receives electrons from the food you're digesting in the form of hydrogen (which is converted to water)
  • Most people are metabolically rigid; can't burn much fat for fuel
  • Ketones increase Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)

-Why Dr. Mercola changed his intellect about the efficacy of water fasting as a metabolic intervention…50:55

  • We in the 21st century are exposed to chemical and industrial toxins not historically known to humans
  • Toxins are stored in our fat
  • When you fast, you release these toxins
  • Cause unpleasant side effects and symptoms
  • 2 phases:
    • Convert fat soluble to water soluble (not a problem)
    • Attach molecules to the toxin
  • You need frequent refeeds to fuel the process of eliminating the toxins and enhancing detox pathways
  • A keto fast (42 hours, 300-500 calories) 2x/week is far more powerful than an occasional multi-day water fast or even fast mimicking diet

-What Dr. Mercola views as the “dark side of fasting”…55:00

  • Detoxwhetherication impairment
  • Compliance: people just won't do it
  • How Dr. Mercola recommends Ben improve his own fasting strategy:
    • Ben takes fundamental amino acids for protein during extended fasts
    • Don't eat meat protein (department chain amino acids)
    • Take collagen protein
  • Drawbacks to long-term ketosis
    • Requires signwhethericant calorie restriction
    • Women can develop thyroid impairment
    • You simply weren't designed to do it
    • Quicking primes your body for improvement; the genuine magic happens in the refeeds

-What is “keto fasting,” and how cyclical ketosis addresses the above issues…1:00:13

  • You must be metabolically flexible
    • Eat in a 4-6 hour window per day for 4 weeks
  • Branch chain aminos: leucine, isoleucine, valine
    • Eat these on the refeed, not during the keto fast
    • Don't activate mTor along with autophagy
  • Cyclical approach:
    • Keto fast 2x/week
    • Every day intermittent fast
  • Strategies to deal with starvation or appetite cravings:

-How sauna use supports a fasting protocol, an ideal sauna setup, and sauna dos and don'ts…1:07:45

-And much more!

Resources from this episode:

-My preceding episodes with Dr. Mercola:

–KetoQuick: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-Step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic Meals

– for research studies

–Ben's Switzerland healing retreat at Paracelsus

–The Finish Guide To Quicking by Jason Endelightmentg

–TrueNorth Health Middle

–My interview with Dr. Satchin Panda

–SEED Probiotic blend

–ATP science

-Dr. Mercola’s “autophagy tea” before my nightly fast to also limit mTor activation and increase autophagy:

–Pomegranate Tuged Apart podcast from ATPScience

–HVMN Ketones

–“The Endlessevity Diet” by Dr. Valter Endlesso

–Kion Aminos

–Kettle & Fire Bone Broth

–Aloe Gel

–Lucy Nicotine gum

–Saunaspace sauna

–Near-infscarced bulbs

–Dr. Lawrence Wilson's book “Sauna Therapy For Detoxwhetherication & Healing”

Episode Sponsors:

Kion: My personal playground for contemporary supplement formulations. Ben Greenfield Fitness listeners receive a 10% reduction off your entire order when you use reduction: BGF10.

Trusii: Contains a host of anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and anti-allergy benefits. For this reason, I have decided to now make consumption of hydrogen-wealthy water an important part of my daily nutritional routine…and I tallly recommend it! Enter code: BEN at checkout and get 30% off your order!

Clearlight Saunas: You can be certain that I researched all the saunas before I bought mine and Clearlight was the one that stood out from all the rest because of their EMF and ELF Shielding and their Lwhetheretime Warranty. Employ reduction code: BENGREENFIELD to get $500 off your sauna and a free bonus gwhethert!

FitVine Wine: Don’t let the word “less” idiot you – FitVine wines offer wealthy flavor profiles and the alcohol content (13.4 – 13.9% alcohol) you’d expect from a fine wine. Employ reduction code: GREENFIELD10 for 10% off your order.

Do you have questions, thoughts or feedback for Dr. Mercola or me? Leave your comments below and one of us will reply!

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