Sunday, March 24, 2019

How to calculate your caloric needs simply

Caloric needs, what is it?

Not to be confused with the Basic Metabolic Rate (TMB) which represents the number of calories your body burns at rest. Finally, when I say rest, in genuineity, it is more complex: the simple fact of being alive, by your brealeang for example or the functioning of your vital organs, alalert consumes calories. If you rely solely on it while you work, and / or play sports, you put your health at great risk.

Calorie = energy supplied to the body by ingested food.

A caloric need is the number of calories your body needs to live according to your expenses. Several variants are taken into account, such as sex, age, height, weight, daily activity (at work for example), sports practice (intensity / frequency) ... It's finally very personal, by For example, a teacher who stays up all day will not have the same energy expenditure as an employee working behind a desk or a worker in the building. Especially since each body reacts dwhetherferently.

A caloric need is the ratio between calories ingested and calories burned.

Why calculate it?

This can be very useful when you have a specwhetheric goal. This can help reach it faster or just be on the right track.


There are many websites or mobile applications that can calculate its caloric needs. Attention, it is totally impossible to have a fair figure. However, the given range can help a lot, specificly whether you want to lose or gain weight.

Here are two methods:

1- The first is more tedious, but is a small more summarye. Every day, you will have to weigh all the food you eat to find out how many calories it is, then put that total in relation to your daily expenditure. Thus, you will see whether you are in surplus caloric (you will gain weight) or in caloric deficit (you will lose weight).

For the moment, I invite you to take out your calculator. Not so useless the courses of Mr Bernard, finally. The Harris and Benedict formula (from 1919) is convenient for calculating its needs. But be careful, as I said before, it is impossible to certwhethery the accuracy of the result. The margin of error can vary more or less between 5 and 15%. That said, this equation has proven itself and will help you position yourself.

Lady = (9.5634 x Weight (kg)) + (184.96 x Height (m)) - (4.6756 x Age) + 655.0955

Male = (13.7516 x Weight (kg)) + (500.33 x Height (m)) - (6.7550 x Age) + 66.473

Depending on your level of activity, multiply this number by:

x 1.37 whether you train 1 to 2 times a week (relatively active)

x 1.55 whether you train 3 to 4 times a week (active)

x 1.80 whether you train 5 or more times per week (very active)

Oh yes, I was very serious asking you to take out your calculator.

Example, Caro 28 years ancient, is a woman, degrees 1m62 for 60 kg

→ (9.5634 x 60kg) + (184.96 x 1.62m) - (4.6756x28) + 655.0955 = 1398.6179

Attention, this figure is absolutely not the one on which it will have to be based, at the risk of putting its health in danger, this figure represents what its body needs to function well. Indeed, it must multiply it by its level of activity.

Let's admit by 1.55, which corresponds to 3 or 4 trainings a week.

→ 1398.6179 x 1.55 = 2168 daily calyx (rounded)

This figure is a good indicator to build his diet around his needs, but I repeat, it is also not summarye, since Caro may be at work by car, on foot, by bike or otherwise. Caro may have a dog that she goes out every day or just a engaged mom's lwhethere. Caro may be sleeping well, or not. Caro is unique. Just like you.

For maintenance: The figure obtained corresponds to a maintenance. By consuming this number of calories, Caro will not have to gain weight or lose weight.

For weight gain: Caro can add some calories (it is generally advisable to go slowly 100 to 200 cal, for example) in his diet and then increase gradually over the results.

For a dry: Caro can remove some daily calories by gradually decreasing carbohydrates. Attention, sweet, the goal is not to go below the first calculation.

To create your plates, as an indication, in the world of fitness, we often recommend 40% of Carbohydrates, 30% Protein and 30% Lipids. These percentages can vary signwhethericantly depending on your thingives (weight gain, dryness, weight loss ...). The factor that will have a strong impact on your diet is that of carbohydrates, it is often him that we will change. And not withdraw!

Benefits in calculating your caloric needs

  • Better quantity management. It is not easy to genuineize our needs. And often the time it takes to achieve its goals is linked to it. Diet plays a strong role on our body, being in symbiosis with its needs is fundamental.
  • This allows you to get to know yourself better and understand your progress. And therefore to be more efficient, adjusting the shot whether essential.
  • It's reassuring. Pretty simply, you will see that following a sample that we give ourselves is reassuring. Fewer gaps, less guilt, less stress and your body thanks you!
  • This makes you aware of what you eat.

Diunhappyvantages when calculating your caloric needs

  • It takes time, at the beginning, it's tedious.
  • Counting calories can not be 100% accurate.
  • The relationship with his metabolism can not be summarye either. Even your connected watch or other can not genuinely tell you a figure at the calorie close
  • It can induce in TCA very often


Hold in intellect that each of us is unique, Caro and you will never have the same results, even whether your lwhetherestyles are similar, your bodies themselves are not. But why not try? After all, you would learn a lot, possibly even you'll unlock a mechanism that crazye you stagnate or help you at the beginning to visually quantwhethery the quantities that are more or less essential until you become free and autonomous.


If you start focusing too much on the numbers and that you eat everyday, stop right now. I advocate above all a balance and a well-being with oneself.

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