Sunday, March 24, 2019

Muscle her perineum? - The secret of a fulfilling sexuality

- "Perineum ... If it makes us an article on urinary leakage, it's simple, I'm stuck ..."

- "Promised, you will be surprised ..."

Anatomy reintellecter.

Yes, because the perineum is a muscle (first contemporarys) or rather a set of muscles, which is not seen. It is located at the level of the crotch, more summaryely in your lower abdomen, it extends like a hammock from the pubis to the coccys.

Second contemporarys, women are not the only ones involved. The male sex too, we will come back.

What is his role ?

Roughly, and also to ccorridorenge you, his mission is to hancient your organs where they are. Charming. But that's not all. A healthy perineum also means more intense orgasms, for the woman, as for the man!

Ah, here you are, the health of it interests you again.

Hold your perineum healthy.

Who says muscle, says exercise possible.

Little 1, we will try to feel this invisible muscle. For this, I propose to lie on your back, to raise the legs while keeping feet on the ground. You are relaxed, inspires by swelling the stomach. You will then feel like an opening in the vagina (whether you are a man, it will be rather at the level of the anus.). That's good, you now feel perfectly your perineum.

Tiny 2, we take action ... Exercise what! Always lying on her back, we will come to perform a series of voluntary contractions. It is not always easy, to help you, try to contract your anus and your vagina. You will then feel that your outdated "goes back". The goal is going to be to hancient these contractions more and longer, at the beginning 3 to 5 moments, then 10, then 15 ... I reascertain you, you are not going to make "inflate your perineum" as in muscu.

Shealeang is an interesting exercise to solicit the work of the perineum
(We alalert kcontemporary it in general.) By performing this exercise, you work the muscle of the transverse which is in synergy with those of the perineum. One more point for shealeang. It was a gwhethert.

Hypopressive abs are also on the list. They consist of strengthening the deep abdominal strap and at the same time the perineum through brealeang. I refer you to a preceding article that will explain how to do them rightly (in addition, you will see other benefits.).

If you leave this muscle, you increase certain consequences:

- In specific the problems of incontinence, occurring most often during a burst of laughter, a cough or a more intense effort (the raising of a load for example ...), Men and women are concerned. Yes, ok, we talk a small bit of urinary leakage, but whether it can be avoided or delayed, we do not spit in the soup besides! Because it's not just that kind of escape whether you know what I mean! No genuinely not ? I am talking about gas leaks and / or stool. There you are ...

- A descent of organs ... Yes, it is possible, although it does not look like a horror film, luckyly, it is very disturbing (even whether very scarce).

- a vaginal gap, characterized by too much loosening of the vaginal muscles. This can result in loss of sensation during intercourse, but also destitute maintenance of hygienic protection such as tampons.

Risk factors:

- chronic constipation.Note: An unhealthy diet can cause constipation problems. It can not be said enough, but diet is the key to your lwhethere.

- regular cough, because it causes abdominal hyperprescertain. Note: in the long run, smoking affects muscle tissue and can cause chronic coughing.

- Obesity

- Age

- A sport where you suffer a large shock on it (via jumps for example)

- Some weight training exercises increase the intra-abdominal prescertain, specificly whether the load is too heavy for you.

- Pregnancy because of the weight of the baby.

- If you have just given birth during childbirth, the perineal muscles may tear or be cut (episiotomy). In this case, a physiotherapist or a midwwhethere can help you rehabilitate your perineum with other techniques.

Bonus info

Do you know that you can greatly increase your sexual pleacertain thanks to your healthy perineum?

And yes, in women, the contraction of the perineum can increase the prescertain in the vagina and therefore feel more feelings for you and for him. A healthy perineum will alalert provide better feeling even without voluntarily contracting.

And that's not all ! For the man, the exercises of the perineum can indeed to make the pleacertain final! Results: a more powerful perineum (= more rigid erection and a more controlled endurance).

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